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Tallahassee Underage Drinking Defense Attorneys

We attended college and understand the academic challenges college students face. At Larson, Thompson & Sanchez, we also realize the social temptations of university life. College students are not invisible to criminal allegations, including underage drinking charges.

At the law office of Larson, Thompson & Sanchez, we have defended hundreds of college students and minors accused of underage drinking and other criminal charges. Our team of defense lawyers has extensive experience negotiating with prosecutors for a dismissal or a lower sentence. We take every measure possible to develop an aggressive defense strategy focused on protecting our young clients' future.

When experience matters, contact our law firm online or call 712-472-1206 or 815-810-3014 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced underage DUI defense lawyer.

We Do Not Guarantee Results — We Guarantee Our Best in Tallahassee, Florida

We do not make any false guarantees. What we can guarantee is that we will do our best to pursue a dismissal and clear your record. During a free initial consultation, we can help you understand the charges you are facing, the potential consequences of a conviction and the potential legal strategies available to defend your rights.

We will dig into the facts of your case to try and uncover any violations of your constitutional rights or procedural errors law enforcement made. Our legal team has the skills and legal resources to defend your rights at every turn possible.

We also know the right time to negotiate with the prosecution for a favorable resolution. One of our strengths is our ability to work with the prosecution in pursuit of a lower sentence based on your clean record or any proactive steps you have taken to get help.

Our underage drinking defense attorneys understand this is likely an overwhelming time for you. The last thing you need is to be left with any surprises. We will keep you fully informed of the legal process, while taking every measure possible to defend your rights.

Do not think that you can defend yourself. Your future is worth too much. We will work with you to provide you with an effective plan of defense.

Contact a Highly Skilled Leon County Juvenile DUI Defense Lawyer

712-472-1206 or 815-810-3014 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced juvenile crimes defense attorney. We have decades of experience defending clients facing DUI/DWI charges. We will apply our years of experience and legal skills to help protect your legal rights.