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Tallahassee DUI & DWI Defense Lawyer

DWI Defense Lawyers in Tallahassee, Florida

Whether you had been out socializing and decided to drive after having a few drinks, or you have never been arrested before this time, or you believe that you were driving while intoxicated and are guilty, one thing is always true: you have the right to a vigorous, qualified and skilled defense. Exercise that right.

When Mistakes Count, Choose Perfectionists With Their Heart and Mind in Your Defense: 712-472-1206 and 815-810-3014. Use your free initial consultation today. Schedule through e-mail.

Protect Your Right to Drive and Your Freedom

Without a qualified DWI/DUI defense lawyer to represent your rights, you are likely to have the maximum penalty for DWI thrown at you. This can include jail time, license suspension, high fines and skyrocketing insurance premiums. It is worth it to retain the legal counsel of experienced lawyers such as those at the law office of Larson, Thompson & Sanchez.

Former Prosecutors Knowledgeable of Both Sides of the System

One of our partners served as an assistant state attorney for the Second Judicial Circuit of Florida. He prosecuted traffic, misdemeanor, and felony cases during his employment with the State Attorney's office. This includes DWI and DUI cases. Our two other partners also have prosecution experience prior to turning to private criminal defense practice.

Fight and Win Cases Involving Drunk Driving Charges

We know the tactics that prosecutors use to convict the accused. We also know how to find the loopholes in the prosecution's case. We thoroughly investigate your driving while intoxicated charge and all the facts leading up to your arrest.

We question every aspect of the police record. You would be surprised at what is left out of the record and what is included that may not be the full truth. We question whether the stop was lawful and whether the sobriety test was too subjective. In short, depending on your specific situation, we will seek every potential avenue to your case dismissal.

We handle everything from first-time DUI to DUI manslaughter and felony DUI.

Free Initial Consultation — Contact Us Today
